Still Dreaming – And Hi to ‘The Donald’

In 2002 I started a business. My first proper business. My first attempt at world domination… In 2005 my first business ceased trading. And in 2006 it officially ceased to exist. Nothing really exciting, just a familiar story of a business wanabee.

So why blog about it?

Well because in spite of a dismal failure, I’m not discouraged and in fact I’m more determined than ever to hit the big time – to be the next Donald Trump, to create the next Google or Ebay. Yes, I know Donald is not big in the world of the internet except as a popular search item but I like the guy. Bounced back after many mega setbacks and still thinks big even though he’s achieved A-list status.

His dreaming never ends. His rainbow never ends. And so the same with ‘Me and My Big Ideas’. As someone once said ‘it takes years to be an overnight success’.

But that doesn’t really answer the question though, does it?

So come on Jon, answer it!

Well I’ve never blogged before, never felt I had much to write about. An ordinary daily life with the usual tribulations that 3 kids bring. The same as millions of other people so who would be interested? The contents of our fridge are much the same as yours.

But being interested in the way blogs have taken over the world, I began to think – maybe my ‘few ups & many downs’ at trying to create a business to take on the world might just strike a chord with other people.

Maybe by blogging, someone will find a kindred soul and someone else will make sure they avoid my mistakes and enjoy success themselves. And even if no one ever reads this blog, it will have done me good – reminding me of the cock-ups and acting as my very own mentor.

Time to blog.